Our mission at Drug Genius is to empower our readers with accurate, transparent, and actionable information about wellness products and brands. We aim to help our readers invest wisely in their health and well-being.

Our expert review team collaborates closely with our medical advisory board to rigorously review and rate wellness products and the brands behind them. This process is driven by comprehensive research and firsthand experience with the products.

How We Make Money

We earn affiliate commissions on products we recommend, but only when our readers choose to make a purchase. Our recommendations are based solely on our opinions and thorough evaluation. We never accept payment for product placement or consideration of placement on our site.

Brands or PR agencies may approach us to review their products. Before we publish any review, our team tries the products firsthand. If we find a product worthy of recommendation, our medical editorial team validates the accuracy of the content we create about that product. Only after passing our rigorous review process are products published on our site and eligible for affiliate commissions.

We maintain full transparency about our affiliate relationships. Any page containing a product for which we may earn a commission will include a clear disclaimer.

Medical Disclaimer

The information we provide is intended for educational purposes only and should never substitute professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional for medical advice, treatments, or diagnoses. Drug Genius is not liable for any harm resulting from actions taken based on the information provided on our site.

How We Review Wellness Products

We don’t rely on marketing buzzwords or superficial claims. Instead, we take a methodical, research-driven approach. We scrutinize a wealth of research data related to a product and its ingredients. We also consider the subjective elements of each user’s experience, such as taste and effectiveness.

Our product reviews consider the following categories:

  • Our Personal Experience
  • Ingredient Quality
  • Supporting Research
  • Potential Side Effects
  • Brand Reputation
  • Value for Money
  • Verified Customer Sentiment

We evaluate each product in various areas such as the quality of ingredients, the scientific research supporting these ingredients, any known side effects, the brand’s customer service, and the product’s value for the money. We also share our team’s personal experience using the product.

It’s important to note that our team’s personal experiences with the product are shared, but these experiences are subjective and specific to that person. This is because everyone’s experience with a product can be different.

Finally, we work hard to keep our reviews consistent. This means that regardless of who in our team reviews a product or if a product is reviewed multiple times, the criteria and grading are the same.

Content Creation and Updates

At Drug Genius, we understand that the world of wellness products is constantly evolving, with new research and developments emerging all the time. As such, it is our commitment to keep our content current and relevant to provide our readers with the most accurate and helpful information.

While we aim to review a wide range of products and brands thoroughly, we also believe in the importance of revisiting our existing content to ensure its accuracy and relevancy. To this end, we have a policy of updating our content at least once a year. However, if there are significant developments in the research, formulation, or market status of a product or brand we’ve reviewed, we strive to update our content sooner to reflect these changes accurately.

This approach allows us to continuously improve and refine our content, ensuring that our readers always have access to the most up-to-date information when making decisions about their health and well-being.

Conflict of Interest

At Drug Genius, we prioritize the integrity and impartiality of our reviews above all else. We firmly believe that our readers deserve unbiased, accurate, and thorough information to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

To maintain the highest standards of objectivity, we have strict guidelines in place to prevent conflicts of interest. All members of our review team and medical advisory board are required to disclose any personal or financial interests that could potentially influence their evaluations or recommendations. This includes any ties to the brands or products being reviewed.

If a potential conflict of interest is identified, the individual concerned will not be involved in the review or endorsement of that specific product or brand. This policy ensures that our content is always based on comprehensive research and impartial analysis, free from any influence that could compromise its objectivity or credibility.

Transparency is at the core of our values at Drug Genius. We are committed to maintaining this transparency in all our operations and interactions to ensure the trust and confidence of our readers.

Sources of Information

At Drug Genius, we understand that the quality of our reviews hinges on the reliability and comprehensiveness of our sources. We’re committed to providing our readers with information they can trust, which means we are meticulous about where we obtain our information.

We start by examining the information provided by the manufacturers themselves. This includes their official websites, product labels, and any provided scientific research or clinical trials. We scrutinize the ingredients, manufacturing processes, and any health claims made.

However, we don’t stop there. We believe that a well-rounded review should take into account a broad array of sources. Therefore, we supplement manufacturer-provided information with independent studies published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals. We prioritize research that involves human trials over animal or laboratory studies to provide a more accurate assessment of a product’s potential effects.

Customer reviews and testimonials also form an integral part of our research. Real-life experiences can offer valuable insights into a product’s effectiveness, potential side effects, and overall user satisfaction. We look at reviews and ratings across different platforms to get a balanced view of users’ experiences.

Finally, our reviewers bring their expertise and firsthand experience to the table. They test the products themselves and share their personal experiences, although these experiences do not influence the overall product score due to their subjective nature.

Our goal is to create a comprehensive and objective review from multiple angles. We aim to give our readers all the information they need to make an informed decision about their wellness products. We understand the trust our readers place in us, and we’re committed to upholding that trust by maintaining rigorous standards in our research process.

Correcting Errors

At Drug Genius, we strive for accuracy and precision in all of our content. Despite our rigorous review and editing processes, we understand that mistakes can occur. When they do, it’s our policy to address them promptly and transparently.

If an error or oversight is identified in any of our reviews or articles, we will take immediate steps to investigate and correct the issue. This process begins with a thorough review of the content in question, involving both the original author and our medical advisory board, to understand the nature of the error.

Once the error is confirmed, we will correct it directly in the content as soon as possible. Significant corrections or updates will be noted at the end of the article to maintain transparency with our readers about the changes made.

Our commitment to accuracy extends to our readers as well. If you believe you’ve found an error in our content, we encourage you to reach out to us through our contact page. We appreciate your assistance in upholding the quality and reliability of our content.

In all our endeavors, we aim to maintain the trust our readers have in us by providing the most accurate, up-to-date, and reliable wellness product reviews.

Reader Feedback

At Drug Genius, we believe that open dialogue and engagement with our readers are key to our success. We deeply value the insights, questions, and perspectives of our audience, and we encourage active participation in enhancing the quality of our content.

We understand that our readers possess a wide array of experiences and knowledge that can contribute to the overall accuracy and comprehensiveness of our reviews. If you spot an inaccuracy, have an insight to share, or a question about any of our content, we welcome your input.

To report inaccuracies, offer insights, or ask questions, please reach out to us via our contact page. Each piece of feedback is reviewed by our team and, if necessary, will be discussed with our medical advisory board to ensure accurate and timely responses.

We treat every interaction with our readers as an opportunity to grow and learn, and your feedback is integral to our continuous efforts to improve. We strive to provide the most accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date health and wellness product reviews, and we appreciate your partnership in achieving this goal.