Posts By Drug Genius
How to Get Rid of Canker Sores
One of the most common—and most annoying—forms of mouth discomfort is the canker sore, or aphthous ulcer. While these sores are generally harmless, they can be unpleasant and sometimes…
Muscular Endurance - What Is It? What Exercises Improve It?
Is muscular endurance the same thing as muscular strength? Not at all. These two concepts may be related, but they aren’t the same.
5 Substitutes for Vegetable Oil - Healthier Alternatives for Cooking
Cooking is as much a science as it is an art. Knowing what ingredients to use at what times at the right ratios is absolutely essential when it comes to crafting the perfect meal.…
What Does "From Concentrate" Mean? Are Juices Healthy?
Ever looked at the back of your orange juice carton and wondered what the phrase “made from concentrate” means? You’re not alone; plenty of people also ask the same question,…
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey - Uses, Benefits and Side Effects
When it comes to home remedies, perhaps none are as popular right now as apple cider vinegar (ACV), or cider vinegar. Although many are quick to dismiss ACV as a fad, the truth is that humans…
Jackfruit - Benefits, Nutrition, What Does it Taste Like?
When it comes to getting the most nutritional bang for your buck, the jackfruit is hard to beat. This nutritional powerhouse is officially known as Artocarpus heterophyllus, a species…
Best Running Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis, or policeman’s heel, affects roughly 2 million in the United States, making it a common source of foot pain. Just what is plantar fasciitis, though? It’s an…
Colored Contacts for Astigmatism - Are They Safe?
About 2/3 of nearsighted people in the United States also have astigmatism, a condition characterized by blurry vision. The cause of this blurry vision? Abnormally shaped eyes. Most often,…
Gabapentin for Dogs - Is It Safe? Dosage and Side Effects
Just like humans, pets can also struggle with pain. Unlike humans, though, it’s a little trickier to treat pain in non-human animals since we can’t directly communicate with them.…
Lisinopril Side Effects
The following serious adverse reactions of lisinopril are discussed in greater detail in other sections: Hypertension Heart failure Acute myocardial infarction As with all adverse effects and…