Posts By Samantha Carter, MS, RD, LD
Are you a cisgender woman who suffers from severe menstrual cramps, heavy menstrual bleeding, or pain during sexual intercourse? If you answered Yes! to these questions,then you…
History of Endometriosis
Endometriosis has quite a complex history, with many experts coming close to identifying the true nature of this condition before two scientists eventually discovered the correct nature of…
Endometriosis Prognosis
While being diagnosed with endometriosis is scary, many people are able to function fully in life with little setbacks with the condition. Endometriosis leading to death is not likely. Even…
Endometriosis Treatment Options
For cisgender women experiencing pain with endometriosis, the goal is to find the most suitable treatment option possible. A doctor will determine how aggressively to treat the condition based…
How Can You Prevent Endometriosis?
As with many health conditions, there are potentially ways to prevent or delay the disease through healthy lifestyle choices. Endometriosis usually affects cisgender women as young adults, so…
Endometriosis Diagnosis
Women with symptom(s) of endometriosis will need to see a medical provider—preferably one who specializes in the female body, such as a gynecologist—to conduct diagnostic tests. …
What are the Signs & Symptoms of Endometriosis?
Like many conditions, endometriosis may have no symptoms or many symptoms depending on the location, severity, and pain tolerance of the affected person. Symptoms According to John Hopkins…
What are the Causes of Endometriosis?
Unfortunately, the exact cause of endometriosis is not very clear. Experts have developed many theories, though, which include the following. Potential Causes of Endometriosis Retrograde…