Posts By Darla Ferrara
Propranolol Contraindications
Contraindications to propranolol are when someone shouldn’t take this medication due to underlying medical conditions or other factors. Propranolol Contraindications Cardiogenic shock…
How Quickly Does Propranolol Work For Anxiety?
How quickly does propranolol work for anxiety is a good question. It tends to be very quick. How Quickly Does Propranolol Work For Anxiety? Propranolol typically works to help relieve anxiety…
How Long Does Propranolol Last?
How long does propranolol last? It would depend on the reason one takes it. How Long Does Propranolol Last? Single-dose propranolol for anxiety typically provides relief for three to four…
Propranolol For Tremors - Dosage & Side Effects
Propranolol for essential tremors unrelated to Parkinson’s disease is a common treatment, especially for episodes triggered by a high anxiety event such as giving a speech. Dosage…
Propranolol For Anxiety - Dosage & Side Effects
Propranolol for anxiety can help treat some of the physical symptoms that come with it, like a rapid or fast heartbeat. Dosage A common dosage is 10 to 20 mg, 30 minutes to one hour before a…
Propranolol Alternatives – What Are Your Options?
Propranolol may not be the right choice for every patient. In such cases, it is important to discuss with a medical provider potential propranolol alternatives. Propranolol Alternatives What…
Propranolol and Alcohol
Propranolol and alcohol interactions can occur. Side Effects Drinking alcohol while taking propranolol may affect the plasma levels of the drug, making it less effective. Whatever the…
Propranolol Withdrawal - What Are The Symptoms & How Long Do They Last?
It is possible that suddenly stopping taking this drug could lead to propranolol withdrawal and have a negative impact on the functioning of the heart. How Long Do Propranolol…
Propranolol and Pregnancy
When considering propranolol and pregnancy, one of the first things to look at is the pregnancy rating. For propranolol, that rating is C, meaning that the drug has had an adverse effect on…
Propranolol Half-Life – How Long Does it Stay in Your System?
Propranolol was the 51st most commonly prescribed drug in the United States in 2018. In that year alone, there were over 14.5 million prescriptions. Considering how popular this drug is right…