OverviewDosageSide EffectsInteractionsHalf-Life

Just like with any other medication, there will be some instances in which Cosentyx (secukinumab) may interact with other medications, foods, or medical conditions. It is important to discuss with your prescribing physician about possible interactions before you begin treatment with Cosentyx.

Please note that the following list of interactions may not be complete. Your physician will monitor the risks and side effects of varying drug interactions, based on your individual health profile.

The following information comes from the FDA label.

Drug Interactions

According to the FDA, drugs that may interact with Cosentyx include:

  • Live vaccines/other vaccines
  • Tacrolimus
  • Other immunosuppressants
  • There may be other interactions

Always inform your doctor of all medication(s), supplements, and/or vitamins you take before starting treatment with Cosentyx.

Food Interactions


For more information on the interaction between Cosentyx and alcohol, please visit our alcohol interactions page.

Condition & Disease Interactions

Cosentyx and Pregnancy

For more information, please visit our page on Cosentyx and pregnancy.


Cosentyx should not be used by children and adolescents under the age of 18, as not enough information is available on the safety and efficacy of the drug on these age brackets.


If you have an infection, are being treated for an infection, and/or have a history of a recurring infection, let your prescribing physician know before you begin treatment with Cosentyx.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

If you have Inflammatory Bowel Disease, inform your prescribing physician before you begin treatment with Cosentyx. Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease are not recommended to take Cosentyx, as the medication can exacerbate the disease’s symptoms.

Tuberculosis (TB)

Patients with TB should inform their prescribing physician before starting treatment with Cosentyx. Cosentyx should not be administered to individuals with active TB.

Sensitivity to Latex and/or the Initial Dosage

Latex-sensitive patients may have an allergic reaction to the latex material in the Cosentyx pen/syringe. Further, if a patient experiences hypersensitivity after a Cosentyx dosage, the prescribing physician may need to reevaluate the risk of the medication to the patient.

Disclaimer: this article does not constitute or replace medical advice. If you have an emergency or a serious medical question, please contact a medical professional or call 911 immediately. To see our full medical disclaimer, visit our Terms of Use page.

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