Bronchitis Prognosis
Prognosis for Acute Cases Patients with acute bronchitis have a good prognosis; it is rarely fatal and usually clears up in less than 3 weeks on its own, without treatment. Prognosis for…
Pancreatitis Prognosis
For most people, the prognosis is good. An acute bout of pancreatitis will clear up with treatment and may never recur. Chronic pancreatitis, on the other hand, can have some severe…
Diabetes Prognosis
Untreated, diabetes can lead to problems like heart disease and bladder problems. Fortunately, there are options available to manage the condition in either form. FAQ Can diabetes kill…
Crohn's Disease Prognosis
It is possible to live a fulfilling and relatively normal lifestyle after getting diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. For some people, their condition remains mild and well-managed, and they…
Psoriasis Prognosis
Prognosis can vary based on several factors, including how severe the condition is. Risk of Other Conditions Developing When psoriasis is severe, the likelihood of developing certain forms of…
Hypothyroidism Prognosis
As long as the patient remains on their hypothyroidism medication and takes it as it their healthcare provider prescribes, the prognosis for underactive thyroid is good. FAQ Does…
Fibromyalgia Prognosis
What is the outlook for people with fibromyalgia? This really depends on a lot of factors, including a person’s overall health, whether they have other comorbid conditions, whether they…
Gastritis Prognosis
The majority of cases of gastritis have a very good prognosis. With medications and lifestyle changes, the gastritis symptoms improve once the treatment has been given. This fact is especially…
Appendicitis Prognosis
With a prompt diagnosis and early treatment with surgery, the prognosis of appendicitis is very good. Without surgery or antibiotics, more than 50 percent of people with appendicitis die.…
Hypertension Prognosis
Essential hypertension is manageable, so the prognosis is good for most people. Secondary hypertension will depend on the underlying cause, though. For some, hypertension is resistant to…