Tackling energy depletion and severe anxiety can be a tricky process, especially if these two symptoms are also paired with depression and fatigue. That’s why many people turn to supplements, like Rhodiola rosea, to improve their symptoms.
What is Rhodiola rosea?
Rhodiola rosea is a flowering plant that is part of the Crassulaceae family. This plant grows best in cold climates and is commonly found in Europe and Asia, specifically Russia and Scandinavia. Many people take Rhodiola rosea as a supplement to reduce anxiety and improve energy.
The outcome of taking Rhodiola rosea may differ from one individual to another, but there are many potential benefits. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NIH) states clearly that very few “rigorous” studies have been done on people, so keep in mind that supplement benefits from this plant are not fully understood or confirmed.
Benefits of Rhodiola rosea include:
- Reducing depression symptoms
- Reducing fatigue
- Improving immunity
- Reducing cancer risk
- Reducing stress, anxiety and depression
- Increasing energy and stamina
Side Effects
In some cases of taking Rhodiola rosea, side effects may occur, so it’s important to always consult your doctor, a nutritionist or a dietician before incorporating this supplement into your diet.
According to the NIH, potential side effects include but are not limited to:
- Allergic reaction(s)
- Headache
- Digestive problems
- Fatigue
- Sleep troubles
- Dizziness
- Dry mouth
- Excess saliva production
The NIH also states the effects of using Rhodiola rosea during pregnancy and nursing are unknown. For this reason, talk to your doctor about potential risks.
How to take Rhodiola rosea
The way you incorporate Rhodiola rosea into your daily routine is up to you. The great thing about this anxiety-reducing supplement is that it comes in many forms.
The various ways to take Rhodiola rosea include:
- Powder form, which you can add to shakes, smoothies and certain recipes
- Pill/gummy/ form
- Oil form
While dosing information may be outlined on supplemental bottles and containers, it is wise to consult with a health professional about specific dosage based on your personal needs.
Final Thoughts
Supplements will affect everyone differently, so it is absolutely essential to first consult with your doctor or another health professional before taking Rhodiola rosea or any other supplement. You want to be sure it is both safe and healthy to take supplements, based on your individual health needs.
Furthermore, if you believe you have severe anxiety or depression, you should consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Though this supplement is believed to improve various levels of cognitive impairment, evidence is not final, nor is it safe to ignore serious mental health issues.
When purchasing this supplement, look to the packaging labels for more information. You will need to look out for the following:
- What, if any, government labels the package has to determine the level of regulation and testing the product underwent
- Other ingredients in the product that you could be sensitive to
Disclaimer: This article does not constitute professional medical advice, nor can it replace the advice of a licensed professional.