Posts By Drug Genius
Can Collagen Cause Acne?
Collagen has found its way to becoming one of the most popular buzzwords in the beauty and fashion industry – and rightfully so. It’s a very popular and effective ingredient to…
Best Multivitamin for Men Over 50
Past 50 years of age, human bodies have a reduced ability to absorb nutrients. So, if you are a male of 50 years or above, taking extra care of your health might be a good idea. For those…
CoQ10 Benefits for Men
CoQ10 is an antioxidant that is needed for the maintenance of cells and to increase power and overall body stamina. It can be naturally present in the body or taken as dietary supplements.…
Vitamin D3 Benefits for Men
There are a lot of advantages of vitamin D, especially its D3 variant. And in this article, we will go through all the major details and the benefits that men can enjoy by having vitamin D3 in…
Does Peanut Butter Cause Constipation?
Let’s be real – peanut butter is amazing. But does it come with some nasty side effects? Some people believe constipation may be one of them. There are numerous reports on…
Is Pea Protein a Complete Protein?
A variety of proteins can be added to ensure a healthy diet. But how many of them actually have the essential amino acids to fill the body’s demand? For people who just want to avoid…
Can Ibuprofen Cause Constipation?
Ibuprofen is one of the most common pain killers that we can purchase without showing any prescription. It is a common recommendation for mild to medium pain. But taking ibuprofen also comes…
How Long Does It Take for Magnesium Citrate to Work?
Magnesium citrate, also known as citroma magnesium sulfate, is generally used as a laxative to clear the intestines for bowel procedures or operations. But other than surgeries, it can also be…
What Prevents Vitamin D Absorption?
Vitamin D is an important nutrient that the body uses to support critical health functions, including boosting immune function, supporting proper bone formation, and promoting tissue and colon…
Best Time To Take Vitamin D
The time of the day when we take our supplements matters a lot since it affects the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients and whether or not any side effects could occur.…