What Vitamin Deficiency Causes You To Crave Salt

Salt cravings can be a sign of an underlying health issue, and in some cases, a vitamin deficiency. Consuming too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and other health problems, so it’s important to understand the causes of salt cravings.

In this article, we explore what vitamin or mineral deficiency may cause you to crave salt, and how you can address the underlying issue through diet and lifestyle changes. With a better understanding of the connection between salt cravings and vitamin deficiencies, you can make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

Is There A Vitamin Deficiency That Causes Salt Cravings?

There is no specific vitamin deficiency that is known to cause cravings for salt.

However, certain medical conditions can cause excessive salt cravings, such as Addison’s disease, Bartter syndrome, and Cushing’s syndrome. These conditions are characterized by imbalances in hormones or electrolytes, which can lead to an increased need for salt in the body.

In some cases, a diet that is low in certain minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium may also cause salt cravings. This is because these minerals are important for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body, and a deficiency can lead to an increased desire for salty foods.

What Are Salt Cravings?

Salt cravings mean intense cravings for salty foods (and sometimes salt itself), often offering little to no nutrition. Some believe this could mean the body is deficient in sodium, but this is usually not the case. 

The body needs salt for optimal health, with the body needing about 500 milligrams of salt to function properly as it controls the muscles and maintains fluid balance. Salt is found in the food we eat, but some contain more than the body actually needs, and it can lead to health problems.

Experts say that salt cravings could be a sign or effect of various health problems. For example, many people resort to binge-eating their favorite foods for comfort during moments of stress — foods that are often high in fat, sugar, and salt. Women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) tend to crave salty foods as a side effect. 

These cravings are manifest as side effects of serious conditions like Addison’s disease, where the adrenal glands don’t produce enough hormones like cortisol, and an excess of aldosterone, causing very low blood pressure and sudden cravings for salt. On the one hand, people with Bartter syndrome can’t reabsorb sodium in their kidneys, losing too much sodium in the urine, leading to a loss of potassium, calcium, and sodium.

Common Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies That Can Cause Salt Cravings

Studies show that being low in certain vitamins and minerals can trigger cravings like sugar and salt because it stimulates the mesolimbic dopamine pleasure receptors in the brain. 

Deficiencies in the following minerals can induce salt cravings:


The body needs sodium to conduct nerve impulses, contract and relax muscles, and maintain the proper balance of water and minerals, and has a Recommended Dietary Amount (RDA) of 500 mg to ensure these functions.

Sodium deficiency activates these hormonal systems and neural circuits to engage motivational processes that trigger a craving for salty foods and induce a state of reward once the foods are consumed. 

Sodium depletion also alters how neurons respond to salty tastes in the posterior ventral pallidum and appears to induce negative effects on cognitive function and result in fatigue and depressive-like symptoms. 


Magnesium promotes muscle and nerve function, maintains optimal blood sugar and blood pressure levels, and synthesizes protein, bone, and DNA. The RDA of magnesium for adults (19 – 51+ years) is 400-420 mg daily for men and 310-320 mg for women.

Along with B vitamins and vitamin C, magnesium helps support the adrenal glands’ normal functioning, so these nutrients are vital during stress. Having low levels of magnesium in the body could trigger sugar and salt cravings. 


The body needs calcium primarily to build and maintain strong bones, keep the cardiovascular system functioning well, synthesize muscle, and promote nerve function. The RDA for adults is between 1,000-1,200 mg daily.

Research has shown that salt cravings are often due to a calcium deficiency. This is because when you eat something salty, the sodium temporarily increases calcium levels in the blood, tricking the body into thinking it has enough calcium. 

Calcium and magnesium work hand in hand, with magnesium being responsible for the body’s proper absorption and use of calcium and other nutrients. Being deficient in both of these minerals causes frequent salt cravings.


Potassium maintains normal levels of fluid in the cells. Sodium, its counterpart, maintain normal fluid levels outside. An adult should be able to consume 4,700 mg of potassium daily from food sources. With sodium, potassium is one of the two major electrolytes that can conduct electrical energy in the body.

Chronic stress releases excess aldosterone, resulting in low potassium and sodium levels and triggering salt cravings.

Causes of Vitamin Deficiencies

  • Poor diet habits – Poor eating habits like under or over-eating or consuming too many types of food and beverages lacking in important nutrients naturally lead to a deficiency in nutrients and negatively affect the body mass index (BMI).
  • Aging – The body tends to absorb fewer vitamins and minerals as one ages, particularly at age 50 and above. Among the elderly, vitamin B12, B6, and folate deficiency is known to affect cognitive functioning and is accompanied by depressive symptoms prevalent among older adults.
  • Chronic illness – Insufficient vitamin intake is apparently a cause of chronic diseases and vice versa. Conditions like liver failure, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, malabsorption syndrome, and gastric bypass can affect vitamin absorption and make one deficient. 
  • Certain medications – Medications like antibiotics, antacids, anticoagulants, antidepressants, opioids, and blood pressure medications can deplete nutrient levels in the body. Nutritional supplements can also interact with these medications and lose their efficiency in the process. 

Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiencies

  • Fatigue – Lacking potassium, calcium, and magnesium can cause fatigue, which involves a lack of energy and an overall feeling of sluggishness. Fatigue associated with a calcium deficiency can sometimes result in lightheadedness, dizziness, and brain fog.
  • Insomnia – Vitamin deficiencies can affect one’s sleep and cause insomnia. Studies show that low magnesium levels can affect sleep quality and are linked to the development of depression, which further increases the risk of insomnia. 
  • Muscle cramps – Calcium and magnesium deficiencies can cause muscle cramps and joint pains. Hypocalcemia (extremely low calcium levels) results in other symptoms like paresthesia, tetany, and circumoral numbness.
  • Mental health problems – Vitamin deficiencies can contribute to depression, anxiety, and mood swings. For example, hypokalemia (severe low potassium) may cause psychological issues such as depression, hallucinations, and delirium, while low magnesium ma agitation, anxiety, irritability, confusion, asthenia, and hyperexcitability.

→ What vitamin deficiency causes muscle cramps?

How to Address Vitamin Deficiencies

Here are some ways you can address some causes of craving salt by supporting general health. 

Incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your diet

Dietary changes or following a diet plan can help correct and prevent nutrient deficiencies you may have. You can ask a dietitian or a doctor to guide you through which foods contain the vitamins you need or ask for a specific meal plan.

To combat salty food cravings, choose meals that combine fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, or whole grains. Eating sweet fruit like apples with savory vegetables like roasted peppers can enhance natural salty flavors without the added salt while eating foods like edamame, guacamole, savory oatmeal, and nuts.

Always ensure that you are drinking enough water (and other healthy beverages) to help flush some of the sodium from your system and reduce bloating. 

Taking vitamin supplements

Taking nutritional/dietary supplements is also a good way to help fill nutritional gaps. Your healthcare provider may prescribe an over-the-counter (OTC) or a prescription supplement.

Working with a healthcare provider to determine the root cause

Before making drastic changes to your diet, always consult your physician or a trusted nutritionist licensed to treat medical conditions. They can diagnose your condition, determine the exact cause of your salt cravings and vitamin deficiencies, and help guide you through treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you determine if you have a vitamin deficiency?

The best way to determine if you have a deficiency is through a vitamin deficiency test or nutrients test, which reveals your nutrient profile and detects nutrient deficiencies, telling you which vitamins you lack and are getting enough of through natural sources.

Either finger-prick blood tests or venous blood tests are used to collect blood samples. Using a sample collecting kit, you can perform a finger-prick test on your own. 

Are there any long-term consequences of not addressing vitamin deficiencies?

Neglecting vitamin deficiencies can increase your risk of various diseases and chronic health conditions related to their biochemical roles. In some cases, it can raise mortality levels.

Can vitamin supplements help alleviate cravings for salt?

As we speak, there aren’t any supplements that directly target and diminish salt cravings available in the market. However, taking potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium supplements may indirectly help target the side effect.

Consult your healthcare provider first before buying a particular supplement. 

Is it possible to crave salt without having a vitamin deficiency?

Yes, it’s possible to have such cravings without having a particular nutrient deficiency. Factors such as boredom, stress, or dehydration can make one resort to eating more salty foods than usual. 

Can a craving for salt be a sign of a more serious health issue?

In some cases, a strong craving for salt can be a sign of an underlying health condition. Excessive salt cravings can be caused by a number of factors, including:

Electrolyte imbalances: Your body needs a delicate balance of electrolytes, including sodium, to function properly. An imbalance in these minerals can cause cravings for salt.

Addison’s disease: This is a rare condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones. One of the symptoms of Addison’s disease is a craving for salt.

Chronic kidney disease: When the kidneys are not functioning properly, they may not be able to remove excess sodium from the body, leading to cravings for salt.

If you have a strong and persistent craving for salt, it’s important to talk to your doctor. They can help determine the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatment.


Generally speaking, eating too much salt can put you at risk of various health problems. Unusually frequent cravings for salty foods are most often the result of vitamin deficiencies, particularly in sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. However, they may indicate other, more serious health conditions. 

Addressing vitamin deficiencies as soon as possible can cut the risk of health problems and diseases and keep you optimally healthy. It can be achieved by a nutrient-specific healthy diet, taking vitamin supplements, and adopting better lifestyle habits.

If you think you’re having salt cravings, consult your doctor immediately to avoid further health problems.

Disclaimer: this article does not constitute or replace medical advice. If you have an emergency or a serious medical question, please contact a medical professional or call 911 immediately. To see our full medical disclaimer, visit our Terms of Use page.

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