Posts By Macie Maislin
How Much Vitamin D Per Day for a Woman?
Although you may have heard that too much vitamin D can be harmful, you may not know how much your body actually needs on a daily basis. In fact, the recommended dose for vitamin D varies…
Best Aluminum Free Deodorant for Men
Did you know that deodorants with aluminum can impose serious health consequences? Yes! Now, you might be wondering what option you have as an alternative. Well, in case you did not know,…
What Are the Symptoms of Taking Too Much Collagen?
Beauty and health trends nowadays are all about collagen supplements. They work wonders for your health and skin, acting as antioxidants and fighting against free radicals. But…
Colon Broom vs Metamucil
We all want constipation-free smooth bowel movements every day. And there are no better options than picking fiber supplements containing psyllium husk to improve our digestive tract. But from…
How to Debloat Fast?
Bloating can be one of the most frustrating digestive issues that we might face in life. It is extremely annoying to see your belly bloat even when you are keeping your fitness in check. Many…
Best Resveratrol Supplements
Resveratrol supplements may be something that you are unfamiliar with, but they can provide you with a lot of benefits. Resveratrol promotes youthful gene expression similar to…
Best Beef Liver Supplements
Beef liver isn’t just for having an interesting, tasty meal, but it’s also packed full of many health benefits. There are also other ways to enjoy its benefits, such as in…
Best Sea Moss Capsules & Pills
Multivitamins and supplements are promoted as part of keeping our bodies healthy and making sure that they are having the right amount of vitamins and minerals that are needed to function…
Ashwagandha Benefits For Men
Ashwagandha is a plant grown in Africa and Asia that has widespread uses in the area of health and beauty. It is a herbal supplement that you can take alongside your regular meals to unlock…
Is Vitamin D The Same As Vitamin D3?
Is vitamin D the same as vitamin D3? It’s no secret that maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves exercise, a balanced diet, and getting a daily dose of vitamin D. Vitamin D is…